10 Safety Tips That Could Save Your Life

Devastating and catastrophic accidents can happen at any time-and to anyone. These accidents can occur in the blink of an eye and without warning-leaving grieving families to pick up the pieces and makes sense of the tragedy. While no one can prevent every accident from occurring or protect themselves from every tragedy, there are things you can do to keep yourself save from harm. Some of these safety tips could even save your life-or the life of a loved one!

  1. Toss the Cellphone: Not out the window..but into the glove box while you are driving. Talking or texting on the cellphone while driving is one of the leading causes of distracted driving car accidents and it is responsible for killing 3,328 people in 2012 alone. Having the cellphone nearby makes it all too tempting to reach for it when a text alerts you or an email comes in. Putting the phone in the glove box ensures that you have it in emergencies, but that it will not be a distraction on the road.
  2. Wear a Helmet: Whenever you get on a bike or a motorcycle, wear a helmet-and teach your kids to do the same. Many adults do not wear helmets when riding bicycles and this dangerous habit is then passed down to their children. Helmets can prevent a serious and life-threatening head injury from occurring. Nearly 75% of bicyclists who are injured across the United States are hospitalized for head injuries.
  3. Recognize a Concussion: If your children play sports or if you do, it is important to recognize the dangerous signs of a concussion. Concussions can have long-term consequences if not treated properly and children who continue to play contact sports after sustaining a concussion can experience long-lasting and permanent damage. Learn how to recognize the signs that you or someone you love has sustained a concussion, and take the necessary medical precautions.
  4. Pay Attention when Walking to Your Car: It is too easy to check messages, talk on the phone, or daydream when walking to your car, but safety experts warn that this is a dangerous habit. Carjackers, kidnappers, and thieves are often waiting for unsuspecting motorists to come to their car. Keep your keys out when walking to your car. As soon as you get inside of your car, lock the doors, and begin to drive away.
  5. Watch the Weather: It is important to know if bad weather is heading your way before going out. If a severe storm is approaching, especially one with snow or the chance of a tornado, it is best to stay home if you are able. Do not drive on the roads in bad weather if you have the option to stay home. Every year thousands of people die in weather-related accidents.
  6. Call a Taxi: It is never a good idea to drink and drive, and every year over 10,000 people lose their lives to drunk driving. If you are going out with friends for a night on the town, consider taking a cab home from the bar. Keep the numbers of a few cab companies inside of your wallet so you can get home safely after a night out drinking. Better yet...print out a wallet-sized card with taxi service phone numbers and give one to each of your friends.
  7. Watch What You Post: It is never a good idea to post your whereabouts on Facebook or other social media sites. Never post when you are traveling or that you will be out of town. It is best to keep those details to yourself. Home robberies often occur when people are out of town-and many thieves get this information from social media sites.
  8. Prepare for the Unexpected: Everyone should have an emergency kit in their vehicles that contain the items you would need in the case of an emergency. These kits should be changed with the seasons. For example, winter kits should contain snow shovels, blankets, and kitty litter to get out of the snow. In addition, all homes should contain an emergency box in case you are stuck indoors after a storm, a long power outage, or other disaster. This emergency box should contain enough food and water to get you through a week of being stranded, as well as flashlights, spare money, an emergency credit card, and emergency phone numbers.
  9. Trust Your Gut: if you a worried or feel that something isn’t right, it is important to trust those instincts. If a stairwell looks scary, don't take it. If you feel nervous in a parking garage at night, ask the security guard to walk with you. It is better to be safe than sorry.
  10. Practice Deep Breathing: If you are in traffic and you feel your inner road rage demons coming to the surface, practice some deep breathing techniques to calm down. Driving aggressively or succumbing to road rage can lead to deadly accidents. In addition, cutting people off in traffic or using rude hand gestures can increase the likelihood of being pursued by aggressive drivers or falling victim to an act of road rage. Sadly, aggressive drivers cause 66% of all traffic fatalities.

Contact Denver Car Accident Lawyers

If you are injured in a car accident in Denver, the experienced Denver car accident lawyers at Denver Trial Lawyers ® will review your case and help you choose the legal path that is best for you and your family.

In a free consultation, an attorney at Denver Trial Lawyers ® can inform you of your rights, educate you about the legal process, and discuss how we may be able to obtain compensation for you.
