Driving Safety Tips for Labor Day Weekend

According to the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT), 45% of all deaths on Labor Day weekend since 1982 have been caused by drunk driving. It is estimated that drivers are 3 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash during Labor Day weekend than at any other time of year. In addition, the National Safety Council has estimated that more than 400 fatalities and more than 49,000 injuries occur each year on Labor Day weekend, and motor vehicle accidents are at the highest rate since 2008. These statistics are a grim reminder of the risks of drunk driving during Labor Day weekend. Drivers must exercise caution and take steps to help prevent an accident.

Tips to Increase Your Safety on the Road

  1. Practice Defensive Driving Habits

Defensive driving involves maintaining a safe and legal speed, keeping plenty of distance between your car and the cars around you, and using your turn signals properly. If there is bad weather, be sure to turn on your headlights to increase your visibility, and go 5-10 miles per hour slower than the posted speed limit. By practicing defensive driving habits, you can increase your safety and help avoid a crash during Labor Day weekend.

  1. Avoid Drunk or Distracted Driving

Alcohol impairs your ability to make quick decisions, recognize dangerous conditions on the road, and drive in a safe and legal manner. It is important to avoid drinking and driving at all costs. You also need to avoid driving while distracted. Distractions are things that take your hands off the wheel, your mind off of driving, or your eyes off the road. Holding a sandwich, having a heated argument with a passenger, looking at a GPS, texting, and fiddling with A/C and radio controls are common examples of distracted driving.

  1. Obey All the Rules of the Road

As a driver, it is important to always obey federal and state traffic laws. This means you need to yield properly at intersections, comply with stop signs and lights, use turn signals when making lane changes or turns, avoid speeding or weaving across lanes of traffic, and drive in a reasonably safe manner. By complying with necessary laws, you can increase your safety on the road and help prevent an accident.

What to Do if You’ve Been Involved in an Accident

If you are in an accident, there are several steps you need to take:

  • Check for injuries and call 911
  • Exchange insurance and contact information with the other driver
  • Seek medical attention, even if you don’t feel injured
  • Gather evidence
  • Call our knowledgeable Denver car accident attorneys

After an accident, it is important to make an appointment to see a doctor right away. Soft tissue injuries, traumatic brain injuries, internal organ damage, and other injuries may not exhibit symptoms for hours or even days after the accident. By seeing a doctor, you can receive treatment for any underlying injuries, and you can use your medical records to support your personal injury claim. It is also important to gather evidence at the scene. You need to take pictures of all the vehicle damage, as well as your injuries. Get the contact information of any witnesses, and request a copy of the police report.

If you have been involved in a traffic accident during Labor Day weekend, call Denver Trial Lawyers ® today at (303) 647-9990 fill out our online contact form. We offer free consultations for your convenience.
